Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why "The Storm"?

"Now is a time to storm; why art thou still?"

- Titus Andronicus, III, i, l.264

Storms are variously identified with disturbances of the natural atmosphere as well as the landscape of the soul. They can encompass explosions of both an electrical or a passionate nature and have been represented as assaults, sometimes violent, upon fortified citadels or secret, internal retreats.

A group of like-minded individuals shared a desire to establish a theatre company that would create a meaningful impact on the lives of the people who came to its productions. The "Storm" struck them as an ideal image of what their efforts might accomplish. A storm grows from elemental forces and, inevitably, explodes one reality in to another; it is a journey through catharsis to regeneration. Just as the Globe and The Rose portrayed the breadth and complexity of the lives Shakespeare uncovered on those stages, so The Storm was an apt choice to reflect the theatre experiences they hoped to project for their audiences; a reawakening to the awe-inspiring truths of our shared humanity, its beauty and its potential.

Since 1997, when it was established as a not-for-profit company, the theatre has drawn upon the resources of its founders, some acting friends and a growing cadre of professional associates whose commitment to theatre has been enhanced by the creative freedom fostered here; as a consequence, utilizing established classics, under-acknowledged gems from the world repertory and vigorous, new visions of life today, The Storm has succeeded in offering audiences compelling documentation of what it means to be human.

There have been a variety of storms - some intense, others brief, always restorative.

Welcome to our storm. Please come out for many more.

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